About the Board


The Redbridge Safeguarding Adults Board is a multi-agency partnership, with responsibility to develop the work of all partners in safeguarding adults at risk of abuse who may be vulnerable to abuse or exploitation in Redbridge, as defined in the Care Act 2014.

The London Borough of Redbridge is the lead agency in the partnership and is accountable to the Redbridge Health and Wellbeing Board. Partner members report on their work in safeguarding adults to the Board.  The RSAB is also maintains links with the Redbridge Community Safety Partnership and the Redbridge Safeguarding Children Partnership (RSCP).

The Board meets on a quarterly basis and undertakes the following activities which are developed into an action plan:

  • Development of a strategic plan on an annual basis in consultation with the local community and Healthwatch Redbridge. The current plan is based on the six key principles of adult safeguarding – empowerment; prevention; proportionality; protection; partnership; and accountability.
  • Publication of an annual report of adult safeguarding activities of partner organisations working together to implement their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding adults at risk.
  • Evaluation of the activities of safeguarding adults work across partner agencies and external provider services and assess the impact on the health and wellbeing of adults at risk in the Borough.
  • An audit of safeguarding adults’ arrangement of each member organisation will be carried out on an annual basis.
  • Ensure that each organisation has systems in place for carrying out enquiries of safeguarding adults concerns and allegations of breaches of safeguarding practices concerning persons working in services and to monitor compliance with procedures.
  • Development and implementation a training strategy for the local workforce
  • Development of effective inter-agency policies and procedures for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of adults at risk in Redbridge.
  • Raise awareness of abuse and understanding of safeguarding adults’ arrangements in the Borough.
  • Ensure that local services commissioned are safe and appropriate to meet the needs of adults at risk.
  • Develop and maintain an effective and evolving network of stakeholders including adults at risk, their carers’ and or advocates and providers of services.
  • Commitment to undertake, learn from and take action from all Safeguarding Adults’ Reviews (SARs) when an adult at risk dies as a result of abuse of suffers significant harm resulting in serious injuries.
  • Develop as a Board to learn and share lessons from local and national developments.

Aims and Objectives 

  • Develop a strategic plan on an annual basis in consultation with the local community and local Healthwatch
  • Agree strategic aims and strategies to reduce risk and prevent harm occurring to adults at risk, as well as responding effectively and in a timely fashion.
  • Produce an annual report of adult safeguarding activities and publish on the council website.
  • Coordinate and monitor the effectiveness of partner organisations working together to implement their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding adults at risk.
  • Ensure that each organisation has systems in place for carrying out enquiries of safeguarding adults concerns and allegations of breaches of safeguarding practices concerning persons working in services and to monitor compliance with procedures.
  • Develop and implement a training strategy for the local workforce
  • Develop effective inter-agency policies and procedures for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of adults at risk in Redbridge.
  • Raise awareness of abuse including neglect and understanding of safeguarding adults’ arrangements in the borough.
  • Ensure that local services commissioned are safe and appropriate to meet the needs of adults at risk.
  • Develop and maintain an effective and evolving network of stakeholders including adults at risk, their carers’ and or advocates and providers of services.
  • Commitment to undertake, learn from and take action from all Safeguarding Adults’ Reviews (formerly known as Serious Case Reviews) when an adult at risk dies as a result of abuse of suffers significant harm resulting in serious injury/ies.
  • Develop as a Board to learn and share lessons from local and national developments.

The Board is overseen by a RSCP & RSAB Joint Executive, which consists of senior leaders from each of the statutory safeguarding partners i.e. Local Authority, Police and CCG/ICS.  The Terms of Reference for the Executive are available below: