
Act Early

Counter Terrorism Policing provide a safeguarding website – ACT (Action Counters Terrorism) Early, which includes information for anyone concerned about a family member or friend who they feel may be at risk of radicalisation.   Radicalisation defiend as the process by which people come to support terrorism and extremism, and in some cases, go on to participate in acts of terrorism.

The ACT Early website provides information and support, including raising  awareness and understanding of the signs of radicalisation, increase understanding and confidence of the referral process, and develop trust and confidence in the safeguarding role of the police.

Family and friends are usually the first to know when something not right. It can feel scary to think someone close could be heading down a path towards extremism. However, it is family and friends who are best placed to spot concerning behaviour at an early stage and can help the person they care about get the support they may need to move away from extremism.

Support and Advice

If you are concerned about someone, check out the ACT Early website or call the national Prevent Advice Helpline, staffed by specially trained Prevent Officers, on 0800 011 3764.  Your early action may help save lives.

Within the Local Authority, there is a Prevent Team who can offer support via e-mail Prevent@redbridge.gov.uk .